Brigadoon Honors
This page is devoted to highlighting special news of our Brigadoon family members.

Brigadoon Honor Blackman went to her first show with her owner (also attending
her first dog show). A quick learner, she showed Lily to Best Bull Terrier, Terrier Gp 1 and
over considerable, quality competition won

Brigadoon is proud to announce that GCh. Brigadoon GoGo Boots, ROM, CGC, NW3 is the first Bull Terrier to achieve a level 3 Nose Work Title
In progressing through the NW system, she earned NW2 with the "Pronounced" designation awarded by all 4 judges on each of the 4 elements!
Judges may ‘Pronounce’ teams demonstrating exceptional technique and/or teamwork at each trial and title level and it is a coveted and hard to earn designation.
She was one of only TWO Pronounced AND she won the Exterior search!!! Fastest dog out of 48 - 1:01:94 of an allowed 4 minute search!
In 2013, she earned a NW3 title, the most advanced level of competition offered! She is renown in NW circles, and videos of her are used in training other dogs.
Here's a sample: GoGo at (nose) work
GoGo was a big winner at the 2009 Silverwood in San Jose, CA. She is shown here winning the Best of Opposite Variety trophy on Saturday,
then followed up on Sunday with a BOS at the National Specialty under Dr. Carl Pew

CH Brigadoon GoGo Boots ROM, CGC, NW2 won BOB (Best BT - Colored or White) at the Oct 08 BTCA Sp Silverwood weekend under Breeder Judge Gayle Denman. Finishing her ROM and CH in 2 weekends, this special girl was an 08 Silverwood finalist and earned her Canine Good Citizen Award. She's beautiful inside and out!

At the Dec 2007 Eukanuba AKC Championships, Brigadoon swept the Colored Bull Terrier slate by winning BOV (CH Brigadoon Walk A Bout ROM), BOS, Best Bred By (Intl CH Brigadoon Fire Bird) and one of two Awards of Excellence (CH Brigadoon All Black Soquel ROM).  The only white Brigadoon BT entered, also was given An Award of Excellence (AKC CH/Multi Int'l CH Bailey's Irish Cream O'Brigadoon RN CGC TT).  We are very proud of our dogs and our co owners.  We extend congratulations to all those who earned invitations to this exclusive competition!

At Silverwood 2006, Brigadoon had 2 finalists. At the Nov 2006 Eukanuba AKC National Championships, Brigadoon swept the colored placements except for one AOM. CH Brigadoon Walk A Bout ROM was BOV. Brigadoon Fire Bird was BOS and BBBE. CH Brigadoon All Black Soquel ROM received an Award of Merit. Our only entry in Whites, CH/Multi Int'l CH Bailey's Irish Cream O'Brigadoon RN CGC TT also received an Award of Merit.

In a weekend of some of the most beautiful Bull Terriers in the world, we were thrilled to be awarded the first BTCA AKC Breeder's Cup by Breeder Judge Lynne Montgomery Myall. We appreciate the efforts of our co owners, who work with us, and love and train their Bull Terriers!

CH Brigadoon Believes in Magic CGC, TDI winning the Stud Dog class at the 2005 National Specialty, is proudly shown here with 3 of his ROM CH offspring!

CH Brigadoon All Black Soquel ROM AOM at the 2005 National Specialty and at the Palm Springs Supported Shows Jan 06 & was BOV on Sun at PS. At Westminster 06, Fern was Best of Opp Sex to Rufus who went on to win Best in Show!

AKC CH/Multi Int'l CH Bailey's Irish Cream O'Brigadoon RN CGC TT was BEST IN SHOW at the International Show in Santa Rosa CA, 5 Feb 05 & had 3 group placements at the Feb 06 International Championship show. David & Jennifer & Finnegan are showing his ribbons here. Talented Finne has also just achieved his Rally Novice title & earned High Class Score in July Obedience competition in Ferndale, CA.

CH Brigadoon Walk A-Bout ROM finished his ROM under Breeder Judge Winkie MacKay-Smith at the Palm Springs Shows Jan 05 and won a Group 2 at the March 05 Sun Maid KC show weekend in Fresno CA.

Brigadoon wishes to compliment our co owners for their 2004 Silverwood achievements:The following dogs were finalists and we are truly honored they were among the selections of Breeder Judge the Honorable David Merriam:
CH Brigadoon Walk A-Bout
CH Brigadoon All Black Soquel
Brigadoon Buttons N Beaux CGC

We also wish to complement the following of our MBBTC family, who earned their CGC at Silverwood 04:
CH Seawind Citadel O'Brigadoon CGC     Christine & BJ Apostol
CH Brigadoon Brevet McKenzie CGC     Karen & Michael Morris
Brigadoon Honey Bun CGC     Doree & Michael Tschudy
Brigadoon Buttons N Beaux CGC     Dennis & Diane Duffey
Ch. Walkin the Dawg CGC     Teresa Robertson & Dan Lowden
Brigadoon Fire Bird CGC     Teresa Robertson & Dan Lowden
Brigadoon Babbling Brooke CGC     Patty & Bret Spiers
CH Brigadoon Evening Belladonna CGC     Terrie & Vern Reidlin
China Rose CGC    (MBBTC Rescue, who also earned her Therapy Dog Certificate/Qualification) Barbara Allen

Multi CH Brigadoon's Fire Bird CGC consistently won BOV from the puppy classes, earned multiple Terrier AKC and International Group placements in Nevada and California. As a young adult in limited showing, she continues to accumulate Group wins, earning multiple group placements and an International Best in Show in 05. This 2004 photo is Group 1 Terrier Puppy and Best Puppy in Show at the Redwood Empire Show! Phoenix is exclusively owner handled by artist Teresa Robertson.

On her first day in any show ring Brigadoon Bossa Nova won Best in Sweepstakes under Breeder Judge Eleanor Fleming. "Emmy" went on to win WB and BOW (4pt major, 2 pt ROM) at the Puget Sound Specialty 6 Aug 04, under Breeder Judge Tom Fleming. Then... this sweet girl went on to these thrilling wins: GROUP 2 in the Sweepstakes Group and GROUP 2 in the Bred By Group.

On 7 Aug at the Puget Sound Supported Entry, Laddie, CH Elfming Achilles won BOS under Breeder Judge Cecil Mann.

FERN FINISHES! 14 month old CH Brigadoon All Black Soquel ROM finished her CH with 4 majors (all from Breeder Judges) at GWTA. Fern went on to BOV both days of the Jan 05 Palm Springs Sp & BOV under Breeder Judge Naomi Waynee at the Aug 05 Washington Sp to finish her ROM.

Jan 04
Getting ready to celebrate her 15th birthday, Brigadoon Bricole is the lovely sister of our famous Am / Can CH Black Pepper ROM. Bric still loves to run with the horses and her owner, noted Horse Trainer Kim Sumner. Kim is also a volunteer trainer in a program that helps handicapped children develop confidence through riding and working with animals. Bric loves the visits from these children, but she wears her jacket on winter outings. Bric lives in the far north of California with 9 year old Brigadoon Brown Sugar, 2 active Sumner boys, several kitties, and several beautiful horses.

27 Sep 03
Since we were judging in France and Australia in July and August, Brigadoon Bullies took some summer time off from showing. At a well attended Bull Breeds Match in Dixon, 5 month old Brigadoon Walk A Bout started our fall showing with lovely wins as BOV under Judge Gail Thomson and then, taking Best in Match under Judge Frank Alhino over the other Bull Breeds! Walker's sister was BOS Colored Bull Terrier Puppy. Brigadoon Banderas at 14 months was BOS Colored Adult at the match.

CH Brigadoon Bit O'Honey is the 5th of 6 girls in a Red Pepper litter to finish their Championship!

20 June 03
CH Elfming Achilles at Brigadoon was BOS at the Golden State Specialty in Long Beach under Breeder Judge Dr Dale Schuur.

20 June 03
CH Brigadoon Buns of Steele ROM finished his ROM, winning BOV both at the Golden State Specialty & the Beverly Hills Supported Show under Breeder Judges Jon Cole and Dr Dale Schuur. His Group placement at the June Reno KC show is celebrated with this photo.


Bailey's Irish Cream Brigadoon (at 9 weeks of age) won Best White Male at the BCBTC match, under Breeder Judge Beverley Do Carmo. You may notice the mud on the back of Finnegan's legs in the one photo. It rained on and off, but puppies, handlers, and the judge were troopers through the whole adventure.

"Finnegan" is out of Brigadoon Bullinda Bailey (who needs 2 pts to finish her CH).
His sire is CH Elfming Achilles

One year old Sugar, who has a correct bite, an excellent broad muzzle and beautiful expression won her class, but did not progress further. Her Dad is CH Elfming Achilles. Mum is pretty Brigadoon Blackford Brunella (who unfortunately was never shown), daughter of CH Bullards West Night Brigadoon ROM.

A TELEVISION APPEARANCE - CH Brigadoon Bacchante Diva had a glorious win at the AKC / Eukanuba Invitational in FL, Dec 02. She also appeared briefly on the Animal Planet televisioned showing. At the Portland Sp weekend 03, Diva also had a lovely BOV win under Judge Annie Clark.

We decided to share photos we recently rec'd from Los Angeles area friends, who have 15 year old Brigadoon Bretan Lily. Lily has both ROM and AKC points, but with moving family and changes, she never finished her CH. Greying, but still beautiful, Lily enjoys her active family life. Lily is the daughter of CH Brigadoon Jana ROM (double Silverwood finalist) and CH Jobrulu Gilderoy ROM.

CH Brigadoon Omar Bradley on 13 Dec 02, celebrated his 13th birthday with the 3 children (Keri, Tyler, and Kylie) he helped raise. Still handsome and wonderfully sweet, this is a casual shot of sweet Omar in his show days!

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Web site design by B.J. Apostol.