ROM Champions from the 80's and 90's
CH Pacrim's Red Pepper of Brigadoon ROM, CGC (1999)
(CH Bullyview Rythm Dancer ex. CH Brigadoon Black Pepper ROM)
Pepper is the most docile, loving dog we have ever had, and is the epitome of Brigadoon's sweet tempered, show quality lines. We don't even know if she has
any hackles! Her Woo-Woo has been a constant around our home for a long time.She has been a great producer for us including a 5 champion litter when bred to
CH Corsaire the Carpenter ROM (including Brigadoon Evening Bella Donna, Brigadoon Rouge Baiser, Brigadoon Baccante Diva, Brigadoon Bit O'Honey CGC, TDI); and
CH Brigadoon Believes in Magic (when bred to CH Carousel's Ronin Samurai ROM); second generation offspring have included CH Brigadoon All Black Soquel ROM,
CH Brigadoon Walk-A-Bout ROM, CH Brigadoon Gourmet Bannock ROM).
CH Bullard West Night Brigadoon ROM (1999)
(CH Quicksilver Moustache Pete ROM ex. Brigadoon Black Berry Brandy)
Brigid was a wonderfully sound bitch with a lovely, gently turned, feminine head. She was very independently minded and could try your patience in the show
ring. It was therefore with great satisfaction that we were able to finish her ROM, as her qualities undoubtedly merited.She was an athletic, multi group placing
Silverwood Finalist who lived in a multi dog household in Carmel Valley.
CH Brigadoon Belle Star ROM (1995)
(CH Brigadoon Omar Bradley ex. CH Elizabeth Brown O'Brigadoon ROM)
Bella was a typey, terrier style bitch with an outgoing personality which made her a delight to show. Her one litter produced a colored bred white ROM
champion (CH Brigadoon Gourmet Boudin ROM). Bella was the AKC's top winning colored BT bitch in 1995 as her dam CH Elizabeth Brown O'Brigadoon ROM was in 1990.
CH Brigadoon Black Pepper ROM (1990)
(CH Molyha Rupert ROM ex. CH Brigadoon Jana ROM)
Kona an American & Canadian champion, was our first big winner on the national scene and set a record that has yet to be equalled, being Best of Opposite
Variety at Silverwood (i.e. BEST COLORED) three years in a row. In many ways she was ahead of her time being a bitch that combined great power, strength and width
with a large, well packed head and a correct bite. She is in the pedigree of many of our champion dogs. She was a multiple group placing, record setting,
gorgeous girl who, as a veteran, was also a Silverwood finalist.
CH Brigadoon Brandy Alexander (1990)
(CH Bulwark's Dark Ages ex. CH Banbury Be Jolly)
Cory Brandy was a thumping big bitch with much quality. She was destined to be a star in the show ring from the minute she was born, and indeed was a
Silverwood finalist at nine months of age! Playful, with a delightfully soft temperament, she was cut down in her prime by veterinary error in treatment
for Valley Fever. While she never obtained the second 3 pt ROM win, she died with an astounding 28 ROM points and multiple group placements.
She was a soft natured, lovely big girl, whom we sadly still miss.
CH Elizabeth Brown O'Brigadoon ROM (1990)
(CH Bulwark's Dark Ages ex. CH Banbury Be Jolly)
Cory Elizabeth littermate to Cory B; as a youngster, she was slower to develop and suffered in comparison. By nine months, however, she had caught up and
even eclipsed her litter sister. Cory E was undefeated in bitch competition at the Florida shows in 1990, finishing her ROM in one weekend (it was allowed in
those days!). She went on to become the Number One AKC ranked colored Bull Terrier in the USA that year. Cory E was a spitfire in the ring and a wonderful
show girl. Vivacious, happy, truly beautiful her whole life, she was a special companion and friend. Our beloved Cory died of cancer at 13.5 years old.
CH Brigadoon Jana ROM (1987)
(CH Bulwark Iceni Just William ROM ex. CH Banbury Be Jolly)
Jessie was our first ROM champion bred from our first litter. Her sire (Just William) was a dog of outstanding type in his day who complemented our
foundation bitch (Sofie) very well. Sophie provided us with excellent conformation and temperament as we set out to breed the best Bull Terriers.
Spirited & personable Jessie was twice a Silverwood finalist.