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About Us The first newsletter was published in April 1986 by Steve Jones. Steve was the first President and David Alexander was the Vice President. Nancy Costanza was the Secretary while Elen Pass filled the role of Historian/Corresponding Secretary, and Carolyn Alexander was Treasurer. Ilene Mulry acted as AKC/BTCA liaison. Archie Schmidt was in charge of Rescue and Welfare. Kem Lugo, Anthony Costanza and Robert Hutchinson made up the first Board of Directors. The club developed and approved a Code of Ethics, Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation. AKC and BTCA were notified of MBBTC existence and intent. Over the years, the club has regularly participated in SPCA programs, held several BT Carnivals, and a fun match, judged by Breeder Bill Edwards. The club actively supported BT Specialty and Silverwood weekends held in California by offering free breakfasts to participants and generally contributing to publicity and fund raising efforts. In 2004 and 2005, MBBTC also supported the BT entries at the Bully (Bull Breeds) Match with original art trophies from artist/member Teresa Robertson. In addition, the club holds "tail gate" parties at local dog shows, to support entry under Breeder Judges. In 1996, Monterey Bay Bull Terrier Club proudly became the sister club to the Northern District’s Bull Terrier Club of New South Wales, Australia. MBBTC actively continues to work with humane societies in Monterey county to rescue and place Bull Terriers. Club members continue to have information booths at canine programs, contribute articles to local newspapers, etc. in an effort to focus a positive light on Bull Terriers. Meetings and activities are held at various homes and events. The current slate of officers includes: David Alexander President. Jennifer Hall Vice-President. Candice Chin, Treasurer. Patty Speirs, Secretary. Carolyn Alexander, Newsletter Editor. David Alexander Rescue & Welfare. MBBTC Board of Directors: Jerry Osborn, Mike Brennen, and Greg Kohler. BJ Apostol, Webmistress/Designer. Alex Ensor, Mascot/Segment Designer.
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